Cubelets - Day 4 (Younger & Older Groups)

1. Title: Drive Actor Cubelet I (for Younger and Older Group)

2. Objectives
● To explore the Drive Actor Cubelet and make it move forward

3. Key Concepts
 Sensor / Input / Output / Motion Detector Sensor / Distance

4. Georgia Standards

Uses new vocabulary words correctly within the context of play or other classroom experiences.
Begins to identify ordinal numbers.
Associates numeral name with set of objects.
Copies a pattern using sounds or physical movements.
Uses language to indicate where things are in space: positions, directions, distances, order.
Investigates different types/speeds of motion.
Uses music and movement to express thoughts, feelings, and energy.
Explore various music types, musical instruments, and music from various cultures.
Develops independence during activities, routines, play.
Manages transitions and adapts to changes in routine.
Coordinates movements to perform tasks.
Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.
Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0 – 20.
Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
Extend a given pattern and recognize similarities in different patterns.
Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describes the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
Describes changes in size, weight, color, or movements, and note which of their other qualities remains the same.
Students will investigate different types of motion.
Students will explain that a map is a drawing of a place and a globe is a model of the earth.
Demonstrates basic movement in general and personal space.
Participates in fitness and conditioning activities.
Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity setting.
1st Grade
Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.
With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing with unknown in all positions.
Compare very different sizes, weights, ages, and speeds of both human made and natural things.
Students will demonstrate effects of magnets on other magnets and other objects.
Demonstrates basic movement patterns while changing directions and levels in general and personal space.
Improves skills while participating in enjoyable activities.
Demonstrate self-control and follows rules and procedures with very little teacher direction.

5. Procedures
1) Review the previous session (Light sensor)
- What is the name of this sensor?  
- What does it sense? (yes, this is a light sensor--show a light sensor.)

2) Introduce drive actor cubelet.
- What does drive mean?
(1) Name: Drive actor cubelet
(2) Feature: Transparent (white), wheels

3) Move Cubelets with one drive actor Cubelet
- Show a demonstration (a power, a distance sensor, and a drive actor Cubelet)

4) Move Cubelets with two drive actor Cubelets.
- If you have two drive Cubelets, what will happen? 
How can we make 2 Drive Cubelets go straight forward?

5) Move Cubelets in a circle.
- How can we make 2 Drive Cubelets move in a circle? (Have children explore first and then talk about 
  how to do it with a demonstration)
If we put 2 drive Cubelets together in a crossed direction, how will they move? (go along with a circle 
  line or don’t move)

6) Introduce Passive Cubelet
- This Green (passive) Cubelet does not show any action, so its name is Passive Cubelet. This passive 
  Cubelet helps other Cubelets keep their balance.
- (Give a passive Cubelet to each child and explore freely with other Cubelets)

7. Review of Today’s Activity. 
What is the name of this Cubelet? (yes, a drive Cubelet.)
How can we make two drive Cubelets move straight forward?
How can we make two drive Cubelets move in a circle? (with two drive Cubelets)