Bee-bot - Day 2 (Younger Group)

1. Title: Exploration of Bee-Bot's Movement I (for the Younger Group)

2. Objectives
● To visualize the movements of Bee-Bots.
● To understand each command button.

3. Key Concepts

 Direction / Shape / Distance

4. Georgia Standards

Uses scribbles, shapes, pictures and letters, or other forms of writing.
Uses language to indicate where things are in space: positions, directions, distances, order.
Listens to and follows spoken directions.
Counting objects using one-to-one correspondence.
Begins to understand the concept of estimation.
Uses mathematical language to describe experiences involving measurement.
Measures the length of objects using non-standard or standard measure.
Uses language to indicate where things are in space: positions, directions, distances, order.
Uses a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.
Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describes the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
Count to 100 by ones and by tens.
Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20.
Describe measureable attributes of objects, such as length or weight.
Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common.
Use ordinary hand tools and instruments to construct, measure, and look at objects.
Describe and compare things in terms of number, shape, texture, size, weight, color and motion.
Demonstrates basic movement in general and personal space.
Express the length of an object as a whole number of length units, by laying multiple copies of a shorter object (the length unit) end to end.
Demonstrate basic movement patterns while changing directions and levels in general and personal space.

5. Procedures
1) Review the procedure to move Bee-Bots by playing a body game with 
    command cards. 
Let’s pretend that we are Bee-Bots.
Can you move by following these commands?

2) Get an individual Bee-Bot.

3) Review the location and name of each button on the Bee-Bot.
Can you find the forward button on your Bee-Bot?
When do we push this Clear button? 

4) Learn the procedure and ways to operate a Bee-Bot. (Children follow commend cards step by step 
    with the teacher’s guidance.)
Turn on Power and Sound.
- Press the Clear button. 
- Press Forward (and/or different commands) buttons. 
- Press the Go button.

5) Understand relations between the number of times to press buttons and the number of steps.
If you press Forward button three times, how would your Bee-Bot move? 
If you want to make your Bee-Bot move (two more steps) forward, how do you need to command? 

6) Play Bee-Bot’s race for arriving at the goal line. (Teacher changes the distance b/w the start line and 
    the goal line.) 
To go to this line, how many Forward commands does your Bee-Bot need? 
Did your Bee-Bot pass this goal line?

6. Review of Today’s Activity. 
- What kinds of commands do Bee-Bots have?
- If we press Forward buttons five times, how would the Bee-Bot move?